Archive for the ‘KoBSON’ Category

Why do we need Science blogs?

29 јуна, 2007

I just have posted entry at science blog in Serbian. This is the blog that I have founded and kept updated for eConsortia – KoBSON, thinking that someone will find it useful. This is the page in English explaining KoBSON. Existence and need of this science (only science blog) in Serbia is under the question (Consortia directors decide).
A year ago within my Master research paper I got very relevant results about the usage of the precious online resources within KoBSON (that are available in science institutions, academia and libraries) and results of that research was not quite satisfied for Serbian science community. More than thousands and thousands available resources at KoBSON are not used because of many factors that I explained in my master paper empiric study (comparing to USA and EU similar online environments). One of them is directly connected with ignorance beacuse of the lack of information and knowledge, poor level of digital literacy, non-activism of some institutions, professionals, etc.
I posted in Serbian language several questions weather low standard countries, as Serbia is, really need to use open source facilities that are free, and to interact and make better science within community?
I am in doubt that this community exists.

This is post addressed to Serbian science community, institutions, leaders, coordinators, scientists.

As I have been writing/talking about the role and the impact of science blogs in Serbian and world blogosphere, their role in research, academia, one asked me a question: does and why KoBSON need blog?
KoBSON has its own official web, home page which contains entire list of online available e-resources valuable for researchers, users but only in Serbia. That is the main goal and function – using available and precious electronic resources and therefore contribution to Serbian science and academic community.
BUT, for now there was one-sided communication (before science blog). Do e-archives and online Consortia need to foster and work on social online networking, science blog in this case, where the most important factors are interaction, exchange of information, ideas, and cooperation with other similar institutions in Serbia and world wide, OR it is NOT relevant (as some may think in Serbia) to include the KoBSON into modern world web 2.0 forms (e.g. open source software)?

Do you feel free to leave the comment (even anonymous) and to communicate, giving feedback on services you use within KoBSON, what would you prefer to see in the future as new application or online service?
Do you think that Consortia, libraries, museums, should be open for their users considering interaction and communication?
Does this blog contribute to intellectual development, its educational and informational content using social interaction?
Or, the Consortia, libraries, museums in Serbia will become deposited closed archives of huge amount of e-resources and data that are not used in its full capacity, and which policy is determined by the social and culture, education policy and the politics of the country?

Those questions I have asked myself for long time, as well, as rare colleagues from Serbian science community, who share my opinion.
Therefore, should KoBSON science blog, the only of its kind in Serbia, continue with work, developing, functioning as information-interactive tool in Serbian science community?

My personal opinion, beside above written, is that science blogging presents at this level the beginning of joining small community into larger one. Also, Serbian science community needs not only science blog, but also the other available open source (web 2.0) forms, applications for facilitating the usage of information, networking, cooperation, as the basic tool for social science interaction aa well as always emphasizing the educational role in academia and science intitutions.

What is your opinion?

Some useful links, via:

Click to access 10.pdf

Zašto su nam potrebni naučni blogovi?

29 јуна, 2007

Kako smo već pre par meseci govorili o ulozi naučnih blogova u domaćoj i svetskoj blogosferi, o ulozi blogova u nauci, istraživanju, akademiji, postavlja se pitanje da li je KoBSON-u potreban blog?
KoBSON ima svoju zvaničnu veb stranicu koja sadrži celokupan spisak online dostupnih resursa istraživačima, korisnicima samo u Srbiji. To je osnovna funkcija i cilj – korišćenje dostupnih dragocenih elektronskih resursa i doprinos naučnoj srpskoj zajednici.
Medjutim to je jednostrana komunikacija: korisnik, mašina, informacija.
Da li elektronske arhive i online konzorcijumi treba da neguju online mrežu (social online networking) čiji je najbitniji faktor društvena interkativnost, razmena informacija, ideja i saradnja sa ostalim srodnim institucijama u Srbiji i svetu, ili se smatra da uključivanje KoBSON-a u savremene svetske web 2.0 forme (koje su open source software) nije relevantno?
Da li se osećate slobodnijim da ostavite javno komentar (čak i anonimno) i komunicirate šta vam odgovara, koje servise u okviru KoBSOn-a koristite, šta biste u budućnosti želeli da vidite kao novu aplikaciju, ili servis?

Da li smatrate da konzorcijumi, biblioteke, muzeji treba da budu otvoreni za svoje korisnike kada je interaktivnost i komunikacija u pitanju?
Da li ovaj blog doprinosi intelektualnom napretku, svojim edukativnim i informacionim karakterom koristeći društvenu interakciju?
ILi će konzorcijumi postati deponovana skladišta informacija koja se slabo koriste, koja čuvaju dragocene naučne resurse, a koje određuje dominantna kulturna politika jedne zemlje?

O ovim temama koje već duže vremena sebi postavljam, kao i kolege iz srpske naučne zajednice, slučajno ili ne, upravo danas je postavio kao jednu od tema prof. Paul Jones na aktuelnoj OCLC NextSpace virtuelnoj panel diskusiji, u sličnom i mnogo naprednijem kontekstu.

Dakle, da li KoBSON blog, jedini te vrste u Srbiji, treba da nastavi da se razvija i funkcioniše kao informaciono interkativno sredstvo u srpskoj naučnoj zajednici?

Moje lično mišljenje je da je ovo tek početak i da svakako srpskoj naučnoj zajednici nije potreban samo naučni blog, nego i korišćenje ostalih dostupnih open source (web 2.0) formi za lakše korišćenje informacija, saradjivanja, kao i osnovno sredstvo za društvenu, naučnu interakciju.

Šta vi mislite o ovome?

EBRARY – elektronske knjige

16 маја, 2007

Obaveštavamo Vas da je počeo probni period pristupa servisu EBRARY (elektronske knjige), koji će trajati do 04. juna 2007. Omogućen je pristup kolekcijama Social & Behavioral Sciences i History & Humanities sa svim tehnologijama za pretraživanje koje nudi ebrary platforma. Za čitanje knjiga u ebrary servisu potrebno je instalirati ebrary Reader Software jednostavnim prihvatanjem uslova licence koja se pojavljuje pri izboru prve knjige.
Za računare na Akademskoj mreži potrebno je podešavanje proxy servera u Internet Browser-u. Ako imate otvoren proxy nalog, podešavanje nije potrebno.

Prezentacija servisa IoP

26 априла, 2007

Korisna i zanimljiva predavanja u maju za naše korisnike: zakazana je prezentacija servisa IoP na temu pretraživanje stranih naučnih časopisa iz oblasti fizike. Servis će predstaviti Yann Amouroux, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, Bristol, a prezentacije će se održati:

09.05. u 12h u Institutu za nuklearne nauke „Vinča“, (Sala za sednice u Upravnoj zgradi)

10.05. u 12h na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu – Institut za fiziku u Novom Sadu (Sala 11A)

Prezentacija online servisa SCOPUS & Citation Tracker

24 априла, 2007

Obaveštavamo Vas da će se održati prezentacija servisa SCOPUS (uključene su sve oblasti nauke).

Neke od tema prezentacije biće Citation Tracker: pretraživanje citiranosti autora, kao i zastupljenost srpskih naučnih časopisa u SCOPUS-u.

Prezentaciju će održati Grijzenhout Sandra, predstavnica Elsevier B.V. Publishing-a.

Raspored zakazanih prezantacija:

03.05. u 12h u Narodnoj biblioteci Srbije (Amfiteatar) u Beogradu, Skerlićeva br.1

04.05. u 12h na Tehnološkom fakultetu (Plava sala) u Novom Sadu, Bulevar Cara Lazara br.1

Viki stranica za bibliotečko blogovanje

16 фебруара, 2007

Svrha ove viki stranice je da prikupi sve bibliotečke blogove na jednom mestu: od akademskih do specijalnih biblioteka, bibliotečkih asocijacija, kao i internih blogova (direktora biblioteka i slično). Interesantan direktorijum LIS wiki blogova mogu se naci i na ovoj stranici. Takodje,  KoBSON blog se nalazi u direktorijumu bibliotečkih asocijacija, konzorcijuma.

SCIindeks – The Serbian Citation Index

22 јануара, 2007

SCIndeks  is a database of locally published journals classified as periodicals of scientific character. It is a project of CEES – Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science and National Library of Serbia, supported by the Ministry of Science and Environment Protection of the Republic of Serbia. Promotion of the beta version of SCIndeks project took place on 21st Dec 2006,  at the amphitheatre of NBS.  The full, five-years version of SCindeks, is scheduled on June 2007. Access to the SCindeks is unrestricted and free for all.

KoBSON blog

15 јануара, 2007

Ovo je prvi blog Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku – KoBSON. Svi komentari i sugestije su dobrodošli.